
Public tender for the concession of the Luau Logistics Platform

ARCCLA hereby makes public, under the terms of article 117(1) and Annex VI of Law no. 41/20, of 23rd December, Public Contracts Law, and the Presidential Dispatch no. 158/21, of 21st September, the opening of a Limited Tender by Prior Qualification. for the CONCESSION CONTRACT FOR THE PURPOSES OF DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, OPERATION AND COMMERCIAL MANAGEMENT OF THE LUAU LOGISTIC PLATFORM, located at the Moxico Province, whose full announcement shall be sent for publication on the National Official Gazette on the 5th of May of 2022, under the terms of article 67(2) ex vi (article 117(2) of the Public Contracts Law.


1.1. Tax number anddesignation: 5000692891 | Agência Reguladora de Certificação de Carga e Logística de Angola (ARCCLA).

1.2. Address: Praça 17 de Setembro, Largo 4 de Fevereiro, Palácio de Vidro, Edif. MINCO – 5º andar, 2223.

1.3. Location: Luanda.

1.4. Province: Luanda.

1.5. Telephone: +244 935 731 314.

1.6. E-mail:

1.7. Internet address (URL):

1.8. Type of contracting authority and its main activities: Public agency that is part of the State’s Indirect Administration and whose mission is to regulate, monitor and supervise logistics activities and related matters, as well as goods traffic operations by sea, land, and air.

1.9. The contracting public entity is contracting on its own account.


2.1. Contract title: Concession contract for the purpose of Design, Construction, Operation and Commercial Management of the Luau Logistic Platform.

2.2. Type of Contract: Public Works and Public Services Concession.

2.3. Place of Performance of the Contract: Luau Municipality, Province of Moxico, Republic of Angola.

2.4. The invitation to tender implies the conclusion of a public contract.

2.5. The procurement is open to foreign entities.

2.6. Brief description of the Contract: To grant the right and duty to design, construct, finance, promote, operate, and manage the Luau Logistic Platform under the terms established by law and the Contract.

2.7. Contract execution period: 30 (thirty) years, with the possibility of renewal under the terms of article 33 of the National Network of Logistic Platforms Legal Regime.

2.8. Base value of the estimated investment: USD 17.500.000,00 (seventeen million and five hundred thousand American Dollars).

3. INFORMATION REGARDING THE APLICANTS AND APPLICATIONS TO BE SUBMITTED FOR QUALIFICATION:3.1. The minimum technical and financial requirements and application documents are those set out in the Announcement published in the III Series of the Official Gazette and in the Tender Programme.


4.1. Most economically advantageous proposal, taking into account the factors listed in the Tender Programme and the Regulation on Evaluation and Selection Criteria No. 001/2021.


5.1. Price and conditions for obtaining the tender documents:

5.1.1. The acquisition of copies of the tender documents is subject to the payment of a non-refundable fee of Kz 2.500.000,00 (two million and five hundred thousand Kwanza);

5.1.2. National or resident Applicants shall make the payment for the tender documents by deposit in the Single Treasury Account CUT no. AO06 0001 0000 0000 0094 0003 9, requesting the respective proof through the issue of the Revenue Collection Document (DAR) at the competent Tax Office;

5.1.3. Foreign or non-resident Applicants may make the payment of the tender documents by deposit or bank transfer to the National Treasury bank account domiciled abroad;

5.1.4. The Applicants must prove the payment of the amount foreseen in number 5.2.1. by presenting the DAR, the deposit receipt or proof of the bank transfer.

5.2. Deadline for the submission of Applications:

Date: from 5th May 2022 until 9th June 2022           Time: 15h00

5.3. The Submission of Applications is made by e-mail, with acknowledgement of receipt and reading in accordance with article 124(1)(c) of the Public Contracts Law.

5.4. Deadline for the submission of Proposals:

Date: 19th September 2022                                                         Time: 15h00

5.5. Amount of deposit: 5% of the contract price determined on the first third of the duration of the Contract.


6.1. Address and contact point where additional information and tender documents can be obtained, and applications must be sent:

6.1.1. Name of the EPC service where the tender documents are available for consultation by the interested parties: Strategy, Innovation and Planning Office.

6.1.2. Address of this service: Praça 17 de Setembro, Largo 4 de Fevereiro, Palácio de Vidro, Edif. MINCO – 5º andar, 2223.

6.1.3. Location: Luanda.

6.1.4. Province: Luanda.

6.1.5. Telephone: +244 935 731 314.

6.1.6. E-mail:

6.1.7. Internet address (URL):

ARCCLA, in Luanda on the 5th of May 2022